You can export linked servers as SQL using the following steps:
Export All SQL Agent Jobs
To export all SQL Agent jobs together as SQL, you can use the Script Job as option…
Coalesce Function in MSSQL
COALESCE is a built-in function in Microsoft SQL Server that returns the first non-null expression among its…
Pivot Function in MSSQL
In SQL Server, the PIVOT function is used to transform rows into columns. The PIVOT function is…
SRING_AGG and STUFF functions in MS SQL
Both STRING_AGG and STUFF are string functions in Microsoft SQL Server that are used to manipulate strings.
Triggers in MSSQL
A trigger is a special type of stored procedure in Microsoft SQL Server that automatically executes when…
SQL Merge Statement & UPSERT Operation
The MERGE statement in Microsoft SQL Server allows you to perform multiple actions (such as insert, update,…
CTE (Common Table Expression) in SQL
CTE (Common Table Expression) is a feature in SQL that allows you to define a temporary result…
SQL Window Functions
SQL Window Functions are a feature of SQL that allow you to perform calculations across rows within…
What is SQL Alchemy and Alembic?
SQLAlchemy is a popular Python library for working with databases. It provides a set of high-level API's…